A local event brought games and celebration to 17-year-old Sreyphy’s hometown in Oudor Meanchey Province. Going to the pagoda, Sreyphy was excited to enjoy a fun-filled day with her friends. But a simple trampoline accident left her with a complicated knee fracture — and nowhere to go for help.
Her friends phoned Sreyphy’s mother Champei, who took her to the hospital. Upon admitting her, the hospital staff immediately demanded $900 — far more than a typical hospital stay, and far more than Sreyphy’s family could afford.
Champei decided to take her daughter to Siem Reap, where she heard better treatment was available. Sreyphy stayed at a local hospital in Siem Reap for the next month, where the staff did little but request more money with each passing day.
Champei was frantic — her daughter wasn’t receiving treatment, her knee was getting worse and they were running out of money. She desperately phoned neighbours and friends, begging for money to pay her daughter’s hospital bills.
Finally, a relative and former AHC nurse recommended going to AHC. Willing to do anything for her daughter’s recovery, Champei took a chance.

“When I arrived here, I was in tears asking for help. I didn’t expect such warm and professional services. I expected them not to care about my daughter. But the doctors and nurses comforted me like I was their family. I felt warm and welcome.”
Champei, Sreyphy’s mother
Upon examination, though, our surgeons realised they didn’t have the specific tools they needed to mend her complicated fracture. But when they heard her story, they knew they couldn’t turn her away.
“Sreyphy came to AHC as her last hope. After many negative experiences at other hospitals, and because of her age and complicated injury, we knew she had nowhere else to go. We’d do whatever it took to help her.”
Dr Leng Nara, AHC surgeon

After discussing the situation with their international surgical consultant, our surgeons got creative. Without the correct tools for Sreyphy’s fracture, they decided to manually bend and alter one of their existing tools to achieve the necessary function.
“With our Trauma and Critical Care Centre fully developed, we would’ve already had all the correct materials to treat this complicated injury. Getting these materials is crucial to make these treatment processes faster and the outcomes better.”
Dr Leng Nara, AHC surgeon
Despite the challenges, their innovation worked. Within two days of being admitted, our surgeons successfully operated on Sreyphy.

After a month of pain and stress, Sreyphy’s fracture is finally healed. Thanks to surgery and physiotherapy, she can now walk again without any pain or crutches.
“After my daughter’s surgery, she also received physiotherapy. We learned so much from it. I learned how to help her exercise at home, encouraging her to move frequently to regain her mobility. I am so thankful that there’s a hospital like AHC that takes care of every aspect of treatment. I want every hospital to be like AHC.”
Champei, Sreyphy’s mother